Sunday, December 11, 2011

Day 241 - Dec. 8, 2011

lifeguard tower 26 - Ocean Park, Santa Monica CA 
trash collected for 20 min. 
1.5 pounds 
913.8 pounds total

This Wednesday the 14th, Los Angeles City Council will vote on banning single use plastic bags in the city. Heal the Bay needs your support. Please visit their action page for more information. If you can make it downtown for the meeting, you'll be giving the environment an invaluable gift for the holidays. 

I'm going to try and make it although the cold that's been going around has settled thickly in my throat. 

With rain on the horizon, and a winter cold in my chest, it is unlikely that I'll be out for the 242nd beach cleanup anytime soon. This also means I'll be out of the water as well. With the approaching weather, I'm sure the waves were good this morning. After a wave drought this week, it would have been nice to get in today. They'll be other days, if I concentrate on getting better. 
At least that's what I'm telling myself right now. 

Mylar balloon in the foreground, deceased Grebe bird in the background. 

I'll end today's post with a comment Andrea left on Thanksgiving. It made my day to read it then, and still does. 

"I don't live near the beach but over Thanksgiving, we were at a beach in Milford, CT so we did some clean-up inspired by you. Found a bunch of mono filament and rope, bottles, plastic bits and pieces. No way to weigh it but probably around 6 pounds "

1 comment:

  1. wow this is amazing never heard of such thing!

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